Post High

We believe in continuing to support our students after they graduate high school to help them be successful. We provide support for developing employment and career goals, entering and succeeding in college, as well as financial literacy and basic life skills..


Our Post-High Programs

Youth Potential Realized (YPR) Scholarship Program

The Self Enhancement Inc. Scholarship program was established to bridge the gap between high school & post-secondary success so that every child has the necessary support to become a positive contributing community member. The SEI scholarship program is for the benefit of Self Enhancement Inc In-School program students pursuing an associates, bachelor or master’s degree, or a technical/professional certificate. These include persons who are: graduating high school age and who are entering a college, university, or trade school and/or the workforce for the first time.

Life Has Options (LHO) Apprenticeship Program

The Self Enhancement Inc. Professional Apprenticeship Program builds relationships with companies throughout the region to provide opportunities for young adults. Self Enhancement supports youth entering professional trades by providing them with a point person or liaison who works alongside them and in collaboration with the partner company. This liaison helps to ensure the young professional’s success by maintaining regular meetings with the youth and partner company and creating an Individual Success Plan with the youth to map out their personalized goals and strategies each year. Self Enhancement is also able to provide client assistance resources to reduce barriers for the youth, such as transportation or childcare, and allow them to thrive at work.


The Self Enhancement Inc. Leadership program is designed to allow students the opportunity to participate in life skills development programming, foundations of leadership, effective time management, SMART goals setting, financial literacy, college and career exploration opportunities, and tools and skills for resisting negative peer pressure.